Think about how much cars have changed. A person we used to call a “mechanic” fixed parts to make your car run. Now it’s a “technician” who simply tests and replaces bad parts. Two different ways of thinking – fix it or just replace it, but to fix it you must know how it works. More and more we live in a “replace it” world. Problem is some things should be custom made and carefully maintained. Your estate plan is a great example.

A good estate plan results in your wishes being carried out as you desire. Its important that your family is not harmed during estate planning or in the administration process by excessive fees, taxes, and court procedures.
A lot must happen for a good estate planning result. There are many moving parts, and many opportunities for the process to go wrong. Solid communication is key. This is a very private process, and no one estate plan is ever alike. After it is created a good estate plan allows for some flexibility for changing circumstances, but does not need to be “replaced” when it needs a “tune-up”. An attorney knows all the moving parts and the big picture, and can custom make and fix them so they work best for you.
You need someone who will be empathetic and appreciative of your emotional perspective so you can build trust and get to the answers that will give a good result. You need someone who will design a custom estate plan designed to fit best for your situation. Please call me so we can talk about what is right for you. Ronald T. Cole – 858-565-4200.